Bristol Weather Station
Averages and Historical data
Data in the 30 year averages have generally been collated from two or more sites. The full list
of data sources are as follows:
From Burder 1853 - 1862.
1863 -1884 Sturge & Harding etc.
1885 - 1892 Sturge.
Monpelier in 1890's with boxed data from Harding.
(Hardings data 1914-1916 & Mar 1928 - Dec 1930 is Frampton Cotterell).
Clifton 1920's
Horfield 1931-May 1937
Whitchurch June 1937-1960.
Filton1961-July 1981.
Bristol Weather Centre to July 1994.
Totterdown, Bristol from August 1994 to Date.For exa
mple the 30 year averages have been collated from Filton 1970 - July 1981, the Bristol Meteorological Office from August 1981 - July 1994 and Totterdown, Bristol from August 1994 to Date.
All temperatures Bristol (1853 - Date with some missing values)
Text version of all temperatures Bristol (1853 - Date with some missing values)
Text version of all rainfall Bristol (1853 - Date with some missing values)