Name of Station: Bristol

Station Date is 01/04/25 Time 0:29 GMT

  •  Click to Daily Data
  •  Click to Monthly Data
  •  Click to Yearly Data
  • Daily Data (please note all times are in BST or GMT. British summer time (BST - last weekend in March to last weekend in October is GMT minus 1 hour).

    The current Temperature reading is 10.2°C Daily Rain since 00:00 hours 0.0 mm
    Highest Temperature since 00:00 hours 10.7°C Time 0:00 Rain Rate 0.0 mm
    Lowest Temperature since 00:00 hours 10.2°C Time 0:25 High Rain Rate 0.0 mm Time ----
    The current Humidity reading is 71% High Rain Rate Hour 0.0 mm/hr
    Highest Humidity since 00:00 hours 71%  Time 0:16 The current Barometer reading is 1026.0 mb
    Lowest Humidity since 00:00 hours 69%  Time 0:00 3-Hour Barometer Trend = Steady
    The Dew Point is 5.2°C Highest Barometer reading since 00:00 hours 1026.2 mb Time 0:00
    Highest Dew Point since 00:00 hours 5.6°C Time 0:04 Lowest Barometer reading since 00:00 hours 1026.0 mb Time 0:29
    Lowest Dew Point since 00:00 hours 5.0°C Time 0:00 The current Wind Speed reading is 0.0 mph
    The current Solar Radiation reading is 0 W/m² The 10 Minute Average Wind Speed is 0.0 mph
    High Solar Radiation 0 W/m² Time ---- Highest Wind Speed since 00:00 hours 6.0 mph Time 0:02
    The current UV reading is 0.0 index Wind Direction In Degrees 139
    Highest UV reading since 00:00 hours 0.0 index Time ---- Wind Direction Sector (16-point compass) SE


    Monthly Data

    Highest monthly Temperature 10.7°C Monthly Rain 0.0 mm
    Lowest monthly Temperature 10.2°C High Monthly Rain Rate 0.0 mm
    Highest Monthly Humidity 71% Highest Monthly Barometer 1026.1 mb
    Lowest Monthly Humidity 69% Lowest Monthly Barometer 1026.0 mb
    Highest Monthly Dew Point 5.6 °C Highest Monthly Wind Speed 6.0 mph
    Lowest Monthly Dew Point 5.0 °C Highest Monthly Solar Radiation 0 W/m²
    Monthly ET 0.00 High monthly UV 0.0 index


    Yearly Data

    Highest annual Temperature to date 21.7°C Annual Rainfall to date 181.0 mm
    Lowest annual Temperature to date -1.7°C High Annual Rain Rate 75.8 mm
    Highest Annual Humidity 98% Highest Annual Barometer 1043.1 mb
    Lowest Annual Humidity 27% Lowest Annual Barometer 970.5 mb
    Highest Annual Dew Point 13.3 °C Highest Annual Wind Speed 46.0 mph
    Lowest Annual Dew Point -5.6 °C Highest Annual Solar Radiation 909 W/m²
    Annual ET 92.96 High annual UV 3.4 index

